If you want to sell designer handbags for cash, make sure to document its condition properly. This means taking professional photos that clearly show all signs of wear and tear. You should also include a detailed description of any problems. Transparency is key to a successful sale and a happy customer. If you’re unsure about how to do this, you can check out Madison Avenue Couture’s condition description page.
Crossroads Trading
If you own a high-end designer handbag or other designer clothing item, Crossroads Trading will buy it for cash. You can also consign your item with the company. However, your item must be clean and in like-new condition to be considered for consignment. Crossroads specializes in trend-driven pieces.
Vestiaire Collective
Vestiaire Collective is a site that offers buyers the opportunity to buy and sell pre-owned designer handbags, jewelry, watches, and children’s clothing. Their platform makes it easy to sell designer goods, while ensuring that you get the best price possible. Plus, you can rest easy knowing that your pieces will be authentic.
Rebag is a website that buys designer handbags. The site offers an instant quote in cash or credit. The quote is usually at least 15 percent higher than the actual cash value. Once you accept the quote, you can print a label and ship your handbag to one of its brick-and-mortar locations.
Stock X
The StockX of designer handbags for cash website lets you sell your old bags for cash, even if you have never used them. The company will authenticate your item and ship the parcel to the buyer, for a small transaction fee. The service also includes a “Condition Guide” to help you determine if your bag is in excellent condition.
Fashion pile
There are several ways to get cash for your luxury handbags, including selling online or contacting local pawn shops. If you live in a city, you can list your bag with a website that specializes in selling designer handbags. You can also post your listing on social networking sites such as Facebook, where other members may see your listing.
Buffalo Exchange
If you’re looking to sell your designer handbag, Buffalo Exchange might be the place to go. The company has been in business since 1974, and has grown into a chain of 49 retail stores in 48 states. The Buffalo Exchange also has a sister company called Crossroads, which opened in San Francisco in 1991 and has 32 stores coast to coast. Its revenue in 2012 was $21 million.
Online consignment shops
There are many ways to sell your used designer handbags for cash. If you have a vintage designer handbag, you can try an online consignment shop. Many online consignment stores will pay you cash for your bag, and many of these sites have online appraisal tools. You can also sell your handbags directly to online auction sites like Heritage Auctions.
Facebook groups
There are many ways to sell your designer handbag for cash. You can either post it on Craigslist or use selling apps like Facebook Marketplace. On the former, you can message buyers securely and answer questions about the bag. With the latter, you will be able to reach buyers around the world. You can also use local pawn shops to sell your bag. These establishments typically offer low prices for your bag, depending on the condition.