Although travelling is a lot of fun, thinking about what you will need is always a good idea. A good travel insurance plan is a requirement, among other things. It aims to shield you from problems that could occur while travelling. However, you should know that each travel insurance policy has some exclusions.
The Following Are Some General Travel Insurance Policy Exclusions:
Specific Medical Conditions:
Pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., are typically not covered by insurance policies. Additionally, the definition of pre-existing conditions differs depending on the insurer and typically includes conditions that existed 48 months before the policy. Additionally, policies don’t cover cosmetic surgery or weight loss procedures. Check the travel insurance covers and pre-disclose all medical conditions as a result.
- Loss By Self: Although travel insurance covers theft and other similar incidents, these policies carefully exclude all losses caused by the policyholder. This includes losing money due to a fight, negligence, breaking the law, etc. This also implies that the policy terms do not cover all self-inflicted wounds that require medical attention or hospitalisation.
- Breach Of Law A General Travel Insurance Policy: A general travel insurance policy does not cover losses or medical expenses incurred from engaging in illegal activity or doing anything else that violates the law. This also includes injuries to people or property sustained while intoxicated, whether by alcohol or another substance. Additionally, all harm brought on by military or terrorist activity is not covered, not even local protests.
- Adventure Sports: Adventure sports such as scuba diving, skydiving, paragliding, bungee jumping, and other similar activities are not covered by travel insurance However, you can talk to your insurer about your needs and choose a plan that suits them.
- Certain Baggage Losses: The insurance policy does not cover baggage losses that result from your carelessness or reckless behaviour. Furthermore, no claim can be made if the luggage has been missing for more than 24 hours.
- Cancellation By The Tour Company: The policyholder is not reimbursed if a trip booked through a tour operator is cancelled for any reason.
Additional Conditions
A travel insurance policy does not cover the following situations and occurrences: cancellations due to a pet’s illness or passing away, being separated from a spouse, and any mental illness.
You should only purchase a travel insurance policy promptly and carefully review the documents if you travel domestically or internationally.
While a general travel insurance policy provides coverage for a wide range of risks and incidents, there are certain exclusions that travellers should be aware of. These exclusions vary among insurance providers, but some common ones include pre-existing medical conditions, high-risk activities, acts of terrorism or war, and certain destinations or regions deemed unsafe by the insurance company. It is essential for travellers to thoroughly review the policy terms and conditions to understand what is covered and what is excluded. Make sure you pay your travel insurance policy premium on time.
*Standard T&C Apply
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.