In auto cases, air bags, child safety seats and more people buckling up all are keeping more people from getting seriously hurt. The fact that baby boomers have passed out of their hotrodding years, but have not yet entered old age, doesn’t hurt either, according to Robert Hartwig, chief economist for the Manhattan-based Insurance Information Institute, a trade group.
Some factors leading to the drop in personal injury lawsuits:
- Safer cars
- More disputes settled through mediation/arbitration
- Higher cost of hiring expert witnesses
- Stricter no-fault insurance laws, which raise the standard for filing lawsuits
- More motorists and passengers using seat belts After a rise in the 1990s, the number of personalinjury lawsuits stemming from motor vehicle accidents declined in recent years.
Fewer lawsuits mean lawyers are fighting to get fewer cases. Unfortunately, many lawyers don’t know how to handle accident cases.
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What to expect the lawyer you hire for your auto accident case to do.
- Gather evidence: photographs, police reports, witness statements.
- Determine insurance coverages available to protect client.
- File No-Fault insurance and uninsured/underinsured motorist claim forms (within thirty days of accident).
- If necessary, file claim with Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC).
- Prepare client for insurance company’s NoFault medical examinations.
- Notify and prepare client for Examination Under Oath (EUO) and/or municipal “50-h” (statutory) hearing.
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